1972 GMC C2500 Pickup

This is my 1972 GMC C2500.The Truck has a 402cu.in. big block engine and a 400 Turbohydromatic Automatic Transmission. I bought this Truck three years ago from a Friend who lives in Texas, he shipped the truck from Texas to Germany.

Since then this truck has been in my possession, and for me this is my Dream Car and whenever I go for a ride, it reminds me of my mother and my uncle, who passed away three years ago. As a child, I spent a lot of time with my mother and my uncle in the United States and I always tried to help maintain and repair my uncles K5 Blazer or just watch as he repaired it or took the engine apart.

In the last 3 Year I did some Minor repair. This Winter I will do some Wiring and a new Fuel Tank with a Sender Unit that works.

Kai Schubert
Hamburg, Germany

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3 Responses to “1972 GMC C2500 Pickup”

  1. david_rojo

    Hello I am having trouble for the the gears to work on a automatic transmission just out in a rebuilt no response

  2. Brad Jensen

    Nice! This would stick out like most American's would never believe in Germany or anywhere in Europe! I toured much of Germany, France and the Neatherlands two years ago and where I love cars, that was something I noticed, any American vehicle is rare and full sized American pick up trucks are even more rare! I think in the 16 days I traveled that country, I spotted two full sized pick up trucks, both were Dodge Rams. I even took pic's of one just because it was so rare over there! Driving the 72 GMC around in Europe would almost be on the same order of unusual as driving around in the USA in an Oscar Meyer Weiner-Mobile.

  3. Hal

    Kai, Nice ride. I'll bet it gets a lot of comments in Germany. With the cost of gas in Europe, what does one of those weekend "rides" cost? Maybe it's good that the gas gauge doesn't work ;>) Did you have any difficulty getting it registered and licensed in Germany? Hal