I purchased this 1965 Thunderbird about six years ago from a person that lived in California and was leaving the country. It is all stock. I have done a few repairs. For example, I converted the radio from AM to AM/FM and replaced the power window motors. I enjoy driving this great car and affectionately call her “Trixie”.
Ralph Johnson
We have the same car, frost turquoise color, which is what I assume is your color. I am deep into the restoration process right now.
have had a few even a 58 ragtop now have 3 1962s one conv
Had a real low milage one a few years ago, problems kept popping up, mostly from sitting around so long. Sold it to a guy in Tucson that knew the car inside out and backwards, hope he did well with it!!
My buddy had one. During the gas crisis of the 70s he went to the front of the line. This caused many fights until his father, the owner of the Gulf Station in Freeport, NY started carrying a baseball bat to "explain". The T- Bird with a 390 got 7 miles to the gallon. My 67 Cougar XR7 got a robust 15 mpg on premium.
I am beginning to work on restoring my 65 T-Bird am I'm looking for ideas on how to make this as painless to the wallet as possible.
1965 thunderbird Landau for sale
I have a 1965 Ford t-bird that needs to be restored for sale
<strong>Ticket 36992</strong> I’m trying to find out about my 65 Thunderbird I purchased recently with a 10 digit serial number starting with 5Y if anybody could help me out I would greatly appreciate it I have no idea what engine is in it I’m assuming a 390.
pretty bird
Have a 66 T Bird 99% restored, need minor work, In Sacramento where to Look?