This is my 1975 Laguna S-3, I purchased the car from the original owner 7-years ago. The Laguna had only 82,000 miles on the odometer with the original drivetrain still intact. It is an original 400 cubic inch, 4-barrel engine, and positraction rear axle and has the factory tachometer.

Unfortunately it was vandalized sometime during the 90’s and sat out in the elements until a good friend discovered it. After bringing it home in 2011 my son and I pieced it back together with another Laguna purchased from the original owner who acquired it to repair his but never got around to it. It’s now a road worthy driver that we enjoy driving and taking to an occasional car show.
Bill Hirte
Spring, Texas
This is my dream restoration project. The only new car my father ever bought was a 75 s3, which happened to be the year I was born. His was this blue color. He sold it in the mid 80s. The kid he sold it to wrecked it in less than 6 months. Broke my heart.
Is this for sale?
What is the value of a 1975 Chevy laguna in Excellent condition but not all original.
<strong>Ticket 36991</strong> Will a regular el camino hood fit on a lauguna
I have a complete front end body / bumper assembly from a 75 Laguna. Any interest ??
I'm finally trying to put my 75 on the road! I need some obscure parts (only S3 folks would have) I am sure this is a great resource for my quest.
Nice I had a 73 Laguna S III I wish I would have kept it was white with red and the seats were buckets and they turned so when you exited the seat turn with you for the mini car out of the hundred fifty cars I've owned in the last 30 years I was one of my favorite yours is nice good job !!!
i always liked this type of body style with the swivel buckets. my friend in high school had a black 73 4 speed and a 454. actually he had 2 because he got drunk one night and crashed into his parents garage and it collapsed part of the building on it and had it replaced with a new one when you could still order one from the dealer with your insurance and paycheck. i had a white and red Olympic edition of 76 from a Montreal dealer. years later i did not buy my mothers friends used bronze and black swivel seat Olds 442. thank for the memories with the sight of yours.