Carburetor Bible
Mark SimpsonDescription
Recently we were visited in the Classic Car Restoration Club shop by carburetion expert Scott Bares of the Classic Mechanics Garage in Appleton Wisconsin, and we couldn’t resist asking Scott if a “Service Manual” existed for carburetors to help us better understand how they work and take away some of the mystery in tuning them.
We knew Bares was a student of all things carburetion and he didn’t disappoint, sharing his insights on a few reference materials he refers to as the “Bible of Carburetors”. After reviewing these great tools, we agree and believe these are “Must-Have” resources for the serious classic car or performance enthusiast.
I've always said the best tool you can have in the shop is a good shop manual. It'll give you all the information you need. But when it comes to carburetors, Scott, is there a shop manual for those? Well, there are a lot of them out there. But for my money, there's two that need to be part of your collection.
Um The first one, is one that you've probably never heard of. Um, it's authored by a Brigadier General Walter B Leroux from 1967 and he literally authored the book Carburetors and Carbo Operation. This book published in the sixties goes through all the math, all the science, all the research, all of the items that need to be considered when designing, building and understanding carburetors. He has charts. He has graphs, he explains venturia, he explains viscosity.
He explains the use of air, uh, in the, uh, in the fuel system. This book is required reading for anyone that has a scientific mind, uh, in terms of, uh, car duration engines and mechanical things. Uh I found this one off of, uh ebay. Uh, let's see, this came from the Monroe County Community College in Monroe Michigan, it might be slightly overdue and I'm not returning it. Uh So pick this one up for sure.
The other one for Holly people is this one, this book of all the Holly Ma manuals that, that I found anyway, is the most specific when it comes to explaining and troubleshooting Holly fuel systems, it covers all of the carburetors uh that you would use uh right up to the Dominator. Now, this may have been published a number of years ago, but the Dominator was already in production then. So this covers that carburetor as well. It's just a fantastic read. The illustrations are excellent.
Uh It gets into uh intake manifold designs. Um what and specifically what everything does. Uh you'll see a number of pages like this where they label every hole in the carburetor and they uh describe and tell you the function. Um That's just so, so useful when you're standing there looking at your cart and asking what does that do? This is great information Scott.
But does this information still hold up today? Absolutely. The theories and mechanics of carburetors and Carbury doesn't change. Yeah. In both books, a great resource for any car guys library gotta be part of your collection.
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