Mobile Blasting Business
Classic Car Restoration Club EditorsDescription
Well hey, in the garage with me today, I got my good buddy Benny Lecompte from MMLJ. Benny, great to see you again, man. Good seeing you again, Dennis, it's a pleasure. You know, last year when you were here, you brought your dustless blaster unit, which was made in the USA and... Texas tough!
And I was pretty blown away by that, 'cause I wasn't familiar with that technology. Really it's like sandblasting, it's like it's media blasting, but there's no dust which is the problem with media blasting and you use this recycled ground glass or something? That's exactly right. What's happened since we did this last year is that we get about 400 phone calls weekly and of those 400 calls, if 20 people buy machines, that means 380 people need the service done. So we've actually created a business of mobile paint stripping using this process.
Using this technology. 'Cause that unit is an industrial strength unit. Just you individual one and it's not, I mean it's pricey but it's a big, heavy duty unit. So not everybody wants to invest in that, but they still need the service. Well, that's exactly right.
So we've created a software program that will actually populate those people who did not buy a machine, so we know where there's a need for this process. So, what we're doing is we're looking for contractors who want to go into business for themselves. And it's not just automobiles. It can be boats, it can be graffiti. Oh yeah, that's a good application.
A number of cleaning challenges. So just with the automobiles alone, it's over a $20 million business opportunity and it's growing. It's amazing. And you know, I had that gnarly F150 work truck of mine. And I said, last year, you know, "We gotta do that truck", and you said, "Sure!".
So we bring up one of your units and Zach, one of your guys comes rolling in with that thing. It's a slick looking piece too. I mean, it is, when I thought your individual was industrial strength, that thing is major. Absolutely. And you said, "Don't worry Dennis, you know, no problem, won't kill the grass or anything".
I'm like, "Yeah, sure thing, won't kill the grass". But we put the truck out there and I expected Zach to be in his full "Breaking Bad" hazmat suit and stuff. And, and he's in a button-down Oxford like you, pair of jeans and you know, we get this thing fired up and it was amazing. It's like a chalkboard and an eraser. It was just like erase, erase, erase.
He's just like stripping the stuff off. Yeah. But he says about halfway through, he goes "You want to try it?" and I thought, maybe I'll do this little corner here. You know, just see how it goes. And I knocked off that little corner and it was like, wow, this is amazingly easy and it's kind of fun.
I did the rest of the side of that truck in like 15 minutes. That's right. I mean, truth be told it was under one hour that we did the whole truck. And that was with set up. I mean, we weren't stripping for 45 minutes.
And I had a lot of, there was some body filler underneath what little paint I had. And you can see those body fillers coming up when you start to remove the paint, which makes it very, very easy to get the job done, get it to a body shop, let them prime it. Do any metal work that they need to do. It's ready to go. 'Cause it's basically paint-ready when you're done.
That's exactly right. But the other thing, three weeks later I expected to see a truck shaped patch of dead grass up there. Nothing. No, it won't kill grass. It's a hundred percent inert.
It is. And what's left is this kind of fine ground glass, almost like a powdery saline. Yeah. Couple of rainstorms, that's gone too. It's in the ground.
So okay, so I've got the mobile unit and I've got some kind of seed customers, which I've learned from you guys, folks in a 25 or 50 or however big a radius I want. Right. What's a good way to promote the business? Well it's very easy to promote it, because all you have to do is be proactive in the community that you want to serve. If it's automotive, you go to your cruise nights.
Oh yeah. You go to swap meets, car clubs, what have you not. And you become a rock star, you know. Overnight you're a sensation, because they'll see this on television. Also the same thing with boats and graffiti.
They're very, very easy opportunities for people to go in to this type of business. Well you know, it's one slick looking unit made in USA. And and it's Texas tough!
I want to know more about the mobile blasting business
What does it do to the glass and chrome you left on the truck?
Would you please send me more information about the units operation and the business opportunity it represents. I am recently retired and I would like to start a new company that I can do the work by myself. Thanks, Vince .
info to purchase the blaster?
Where stay the bondo paint rest and so on? Into the grond? You have to clean up the surrounding of the vehicle?.
anybody know where I can rent a dustless blaster in mid Maryland?