Windshield Removal Tool for Molding Clips
Brent Ackley & George VondriskaDescription
Now, if you were gonna re replace all this chrome, you could just take a screwdriver and pry on the backside of this stuff and it would pop off, but you're gonna bend the heck out of it trying to get it off. So the solution to that is a windshield clip removal tool. There's a couple of different styles. This just happens to be the one I like. It's basically like a player.
What we're gonna do is we're gonna hook this hook um, behind the clip, just give a little squeeze and it just pops right off. So, so we find the clip and it just pops that clip bread off. So no damage, no damage to the, uh, to the molding. And, well, I'll show you how this thing actually works when you hook that clip and give a little squeeze. It just pulls that clip back away and there's just a little, little, uh, a nib on there that catches the backside of that trim.
So it just pulls it away and pops it off clean, works really, really good. It's definitely a must have for, for taking the, uh, the windshield moldings off
Is this only for windshield molding?
This is really uplitfing *sigh* I dont like that I have this problem and I try to keep things in perspective because I know the world doesn't revovle around myself but at times I just get the feeling that everyone is looking at me and judging me for my every mistake, it makes it hard to even interact with people without being even in the least anxious. This is uplitfing though and I will def turn my problems to the Lord because at this point he is the only one that can help me. Thanks for the post and your helping people like us by just talking about your situations and giving us all courage.