Make Your Own Fender Covers
Mark SimpsonDescription
When working on the engine of your classic car, protecting the paint on your fenders should never be overlooked. Many auto shops have heavy padded rubber fender covers as standard fair, but these can pick up dirt that is later ground into the finish of your ride, when draped over the fender. Using clean shop towels and binder clips is a great alternative that will keep your car looking it’s best.
We're getting ready to do some work under the hood. The common problem working on your car is it when you lean over, get on the engine compartment, you're going to scratch up your fender. Now they make some really nice fender covers and you know there'll be pleaded heavy vinyl and everything else. The problem with those is in most shops, they never get washed. And even if they do get washed because of their nature, it's a tough thing to wash it's foam and a real heavy vinyl, and dirt and metal shavings and stuff get impregnated into that foam underneath them.
So they end up being like a big piece of sandpaper that you strap to your fender. One thing that I like to do in my shop is just use a towel. And in this case, you know, just an old towel that we have around. And then, so this doesn't end up sliding around and falling over the sleigh. I just used some regular Office Binder Clips.
And you can just bind that cover, this towel onto whatever you can find in the area that you're working on. You know, the hood hinges, the core support, you know even this solenoid here I'll do the job. And that way, the towel stays where it is. And I keep all the scratches off my fender.
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