Installing Dashboard Cluster
Brent Ackley & George VondriskaDescription
Well, we've got the instrument cluster all ready to put back in. When we got done wiring it, we just took a little friction tape, wrap the wires up together and put them there's actually a clip there to hold the wires. So now I'm going to go ahead and put it into the dash. There's no magic to it. Just take your time so you don't scuff up the edges of it.
Feed the wires through and there's four screws that hold this particular one in. And then when we get this thing all put in there, we got to get underneath there and plug the, there's three connectors. As you see there's three connectors right here. They're all different. And there's connectors just like that, the opposite side of that, coming off the fuse panel.
So we're going to slide that into place. Wires tucked in. All right, now we've got to just get underneath there and plug those three wire harnesses in and two more pieces of chrome to tighten the steering column up. And that dash is pretty well ready to go.
Looks easy, make those connections before installing the cluster though, 55 and 56's are not easy to get to on the back side of the cluster, especially on a three pedal car. We cover the steering column with protective tape before a cluster R&R, better than touching up paint later and trying to explain the damage to a custom.