Exhaust Manifold Graphite Coating
Mark SimpsonDescription
When restoring a classic car, you know, you're going to come into those moments where you've done everything you can, you've painted the engine, you got the nice crunch, shiny valve covers on there, Your whole engine compartment is beautiful, except you've got these big rusty chunks of cast iron, you know, your exhaust manifolds, and even your master cylinder can end up looking like rusty metal in the middle of a beautiful engine compartment. Now you can try, you know, using some of the high heat paints and stuff like that on them. But a lot of times those, in time, will start flaking off and peeling and chipping. And then if you try to recode it, then they start looking even worse yet. So what I've found is, is a good alternative to a lot of the aftermarket codings and stuff is just to hit them with some graphite, dry lubricant.
What this is is it's primarily a a graphite powder in a, in a suspension, but as it dries it dries kind of like a gray semi metallic kind of look. And as it wears off, it doesn't peel a chip or anything. It just wears off. And you can reapply and put another coat on and and freshen up your exhaust manifolds at any time. The, you can, you know, start by, you know, blasting and getting rid of all the rust on your exhaust manifolds.
But you know, that's a lot of work. Most guys don't want to tear apart their car to do that. So you can accomplish the same goal just by taking your existing exhaust manifolds and wire brushing off any of the rust or loose debris. And as you see, you know most of that stuff will come right off, Work down here on the end right now, and if you've got some small lighter brushes you can get into all the corners and get off all the, you know, the heavy, loose stuff. Cause that's just going to end up flaking off anyways.
It doesn't need to be perfect. You just want to get anything that's, you know going to fall off anyways off And then apply a coat of the graphite spray. Now as that dries, you know, you can see, it looks pretty shiny now as it dries, it'll turn more of a kind of a kind of satiny, silvery gray. And the great thing about this is it will never flake. It will never chip.
And if you want to come back later while that's drying and just touch it up, once it's on the car, you can just spray a little on a rag and you can come back in and dress up your exhaust manifold that way too. You know, bottom line, you're gonna really, you know really like this sort of look to your, both of your exhaust manifold and your master cylinders because no longer will they be these rusty chunks of metal in there. And you'll have a nice finished look to them.
How does the graphite coating hold up to high temps over time?
<strong> Can you please add a link to this dry graphite spray?
Very cool idea. But, when it dries, I take it that it will not wipe off. I mean, it is like paint and is a finished product ? Thanks, JJ