Exhaust Clamps
Mark SimpsonDescription
When installing a new exhaust system on a classic car, it's a, you know, you've got a couple of choices that you'll need to make. One is what type of exhaust clamps you'll use. You know, the most common type is a U-bolt style. These were used on, you know, a lot of original equipment applications, as well as a lot of aftermarket stuff. And it's the most common type.
It slides on easily, it will actually, you know, adjust to a pretty large amount of pipe variations. The only issue you'll really have with these is this U-bolt will actually constrict the pipe and actually, you know, and actually indent that, so it makes it harder to get the exhaust components apart later on. You know, for most guys, they'll assemble their exhaust system and there's never a need to ever take it apart, but on a classic car, it's not uncommon to have to take things apart and put them back together more than once. A good alternative to the standard U-bolt type exhaust clamp is what they call a band clamp. And what this does, it applies much the same manner, goes over the exhaust pipe, but now applies has like a inch and a quarter inch wide surface here that actually presses on the pipe, so you don't have that issue where you're having to actually dent the pipe and actually make it harder to get apart.
It also gives you a nice clean look when you've got a nice, just a simple strap around the pipe as opposed to all the U-bolt hardware. It's a good choice, works in a lot of applications, although these you'll have a lot less flexibility in size, but it's still one of my favorites to go with. These two exhaust clamp styles are the most commonly used and available. Another thing that, just another helpful, quick hint, you know, when assembling exhaust pipes, you know, it especially in a new system when you're trying to fit things together, a lot of times, you know, stuff will want to fight itself together and fight itself apart, and to use like an actual exhaust sealant in the pipes will actually allow you to remove and assemble them easier, and once it's there, it provides a better seal.
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